Saturday, June 15, 2019

Things that suck about being gay

Things that suck about being gay

1. Homophobia
Even in the West 5/10 of open gays have experienced homophobia. Social rejection, discrimination.
Some get disowned
Discriminated against

2. Being in the closet

 Not being able to discuss your relationships openly like straight people, or get relationship advice.

3. If you live in a rural area, your dating pool can be limited.

4. If you come out it will hurt your base of straight male friends

5. Having figure out when to "come out" every time you meet someone new.

5. Cant naturally reproduce

6. Everything is about looks

7. Its hard to build a committed relationship, many gays just want sex.  you start to get older, an increasing proportion of gay men are looking for something more long term but they find it difficult to express that given how gay culture is.Which can result in disproportionate loneliness.

8. Gays are disunited,and can be really mean and catty with each other, and are very appearance oriented.

Gay friends are superficial. They put a lot of energy into the gym, clothes, and hooking up, and also act really bitchy, like they’re on a reality show trying to get laughs, its hard to hang with gay guys who have more serious interests but can’t find them.

the catty remarks, the bickering between friends and the behind-the-back tittle-tattle that consumed their Friday nights out.

9. More likely to get Aids and Hiv

10. More likely ( 4 times more likely) to be suicidal or depressed and lonely 

finances, aging, weight, looks, being single, the health of your parents

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