Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Why Porn addiction is terrible

If you watch porn for more than 5 hours a week you are addicted  Average porn addict watches porn for 20hrs a week

1. Wastes time you could be doing something constructive like cleaning yourself or your surroundings getting more organized or preparing for the future or going somewhere on time or meeting deadlines.
2. Hurts penis and erectile quality causes ed
3. Eyes
4. Causes forgettfulness
5. Creates lack of focus and concentration
6. Makes me want to socialize less. Makes people antisocial.
7. Causes withdrawal fatigue.
8. Creates dependency. Will literally sit around not get anything done because you feel such an empty void without porn. Sometimes one will literally sleep or stay in bed all day surfing the non porn internet aimlessly because they cant stand living in a world without porn, or lying in bed wishing and dreaming about watching porn because the porn addicts literally dont know what to do with themselves. When they try to quit. This probably the hardest part about porn.
9. Desensitizes you
10. Even when you try quit. You try to do the 3rd best thing after actual sex and porn. Which is edging.
10. Creates painful blue balls syndrome Usually after viciously edging for 4 hours straight

Triggers that cause relapse

1. Does penis work
2. Oh let me see this video
3. Are there updates
4. Let me watch this or jo to this for good luck
5. Im bored. Will literally sit around not get anything done because you feel such an empty void without porn. Sometimes one will literally sleep or stay in bed because they cant stand living in a world without porn, and literally dont know what to do with themselves.
6. Receiving a porn link
7. Feel like Pornstars are your friend
8. Oh Ive accomplished this 10 day no porn streak. Let me treat myself by watching porn.
9. Oh Im finally alone Let me watch porn

How to fight
1. Stay out of your house. Resist urge to go home and rest.
2. Talk to people and socialize. The more you talk the less you feel like looking at porn
3. Use that time to work out. Learn a new language. Develop a strong owork ethic

Standard reboot is 13 weeks

Reboots 1 week no porn then relapse
                10 days no porn then relapse
                 4 weeks no porn then relapse
                 10 weeks no porn

Porn Routine

Gay xvideos
 Gay Pornhub

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Most tolerant countries for gays in Africa

Most tolerant countries for gays in Africa

1. Cape Verde 74

2. South Africa 67

3. Mozambique 59

4. Namibia 56

5. Mauritius 55

6. Sao Tome 46

7. Botswana 43

8. Swaziland 26

9. Tanzania 21

10. Cote D'Ivoire 21