Friday, August 10, 2018

Questions for African homophobes

1.  You claim that homosexuality should not be allowed in Africa, because it is un African. Since when did something being un African make you not accept it. You accept skin bleaching, cell phones, foreign brands, which are definitely un African.

There were cases of gays in life

2. Homosexuals have always been a part of African society

The Nzima of Ghana had a tradition of adult men marrying each other, usually with an age difference of about 10 years. Similar to the pederasty of ancient Greece, Sudan's Zande tribe had a tradition of warriors marrying boys and paying a bride price, as they would for girl brides, to their parents. When the boy grew up, he too became a warrior and took a boy-wife. n this same tribe lesbianism was practised in polygamous households. In the 18th century the Khoikhoi of South Africa used the word koetsire to describe men considered sexually receptive to other men, and soregus was the word they used for a friendship which involved same-sex masturbation. Homosexuality is also recorded among the Siwa of Egypt. It was considered a boy's rite of passage in Benin, and woman-woman marriages involving a bride price existed in more than 30 African societies from Nigeria to Kenya to South Africa. How far back can homosexuality be traced in Africa? You cannot argue with rock paintings. Thousands of years ago, the San people of Zimbabwe depicted anal sex between men. The truth is that, like everywhere else, African people have expressed a wide range of sexualities. Far from bringing homosexuality with them, Christian and Islamic forces fought to eradicate it. By challenging the continent's indigenous social and religious systems, they helped demonise and persecute homosexuality in Africa, paving the way for the taboos that prevail today. For example, the ancient cave paintings of the San people near Guruve in Zimbabwe depict two men engaged in some form of ritual sex. During precolonial times, the “mudoko dako,” or effeminate males among the Langi of northern Uganda were treated as women and could marry men. In Buganda, one of the largest traditional kingdoms in Uganda, it was an open secret that Kabaka (king) Mwanga II, who ruled in the latter half of the 19th century, was gay. The vocabulary used to describe same-sex relations in traditional languages, predating colonialism, is further proof of the existence of such relations in precolonial Africa. To name but a few, the Shangaan of southern Africa referred to same-sex relations as “inkotshane” (male-wife); Basotho women in present-day Lesotho engage in socially sanctioned erotic relationships called “motsoalle” (special friend) and in the Wolof language, spoken in Senegal, homosexual men are known as “gor-digen” (men-women). But to be sure, the context and experiences of such relationships did not necessarily mirror homosexual relations as understood in the West, nor were they necessarily consistent with what we now describe as a gay or queer identity.

2. We are a Christian nation.

1. Give me a break. Africa is the most corrupt continent in the history of planet earth full of corrupt, untrustworthy politicians, goverment workers, people who dont supprt each other

2. Look at all the adultery, promiscuity, and illegitimate children being born all over Africa.
3. The abuse of women, rape, women being forced to have sex with men, in order to graduate, or get a job regardless of regardless of relationship status.

3. Homosexuality brings bad luck or curses from God on your country.

If you look at the countries have the highest gay acceptance rate, such as Germany, The Netherlands, Canada, and Spain these are all first world, that most Africans would do anything to live in.
Whereas the most homophobic countries are all third world hellholes.

4. Why are you so big and bad only when it comes to homosexuals

Why dont you be hypervigilant about
A. Corruption
B. Neocolonialism
C. Racism
D. Your image

5. If you hate gay people dont

Play house music , dont buy many fashion brands, Armani, Christian Dior, Versace, Givenchy, Dolce And Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander Wang, alot of tv shows, and use anything invented by gay inventors

Why Africans dont like gays
1. Cant reproduce family is very important in African culture
2. See it as a contagious mental illness

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