Loss of any degree of penis sensation can be a guy's worst nightmare.
There are three types of nerve damage
One can't even BEGIN to describe the pain and suffering this lunacy has caused me and the people around me.
You wouldn't believe that injury to your dick could cause you to totally lose your libido. When you lose your libido life has absolutely no meaning. All drive and motivation go out the window. neurologists do not really know how to deal with penile numbness, because it is rather rare case and if there are no problems with your spine and you have clear pelvic MRI, they do know what to do.
- urologists do not not what to do with HF, and official position for ED - there is noting that will "cure" you ED, just temporary "correct" it with Viagra/Cialis
- Neurapraxia (Class I)
- Axonotmesis (Class II)
- Neurotmesis (Class III) Incurable
On August 2015 one the worst things to happened to me, happened. I was in a gay sauna, and some old ugly Asian dude came to suck my dick. There were no good looking guys so I was like what the heck. When he was sucking my dick, he bit my dick so hard, that it caused nerve damage and a scar on my penis. Basically the right side of my penis is totally numb. So its very hard for me to maintain an erection. Because my penis, particularly on the right side feels numb and there is no sensitivity. On April 2017 when I was jacking off, I kind of pulled a penis muscle. So now I can barely get an erection unless I squeeze me my butt muscles.
At first I thought I had venous leak, but he did a test, and it came out that I did not have venous leak, he prescribed viagra for me. Nevertheless the viagra cant cure the lack of sensitivity
In April 2018, I received prp treatment, my penis was still numb, but at least it was starting to work on the part that still had some semblance of sensitivity
Last summer of 2018. To make things even worse I took anti inflammation cream called
Penetrex, which has made my penis smaller. I guess because it tightened the muscle.
Is there something I can do about the scar. Either remove it or reduce it, so as to increase the sensitivity.
Is there anything that can be done to regrow the nerves.
1. I have heard of cell grow
2. Cases in South Africa of penile transplant
One can't even BEGIN to describe the pain and suffering this lunacy has caused me and the people around me.
You wouldn't believe that injury to your dick could cause you to totally lose your libido. When you lose your libido life has absolutely no meaning. All drive and motivation go out the window. This affecting my ability to date get married and reproduce, I dont want any therapy, I just need help. Even if halfway.
Iam unsure what to do
1. Should I f
1. Is ther
Characteritics of a Strong dick
1. Long lasting hard erections 30 second to 5 minutes long. Can literally walk around with it.
2. Sensitive reflexive penis
3. Can do various positions
4. Can jerk easy get erect again
5. Can cum multiple times a day 6 times
Characteristics of a Weak dick
1. Erections that barely last for 5-10 seconds, and I need to thrust my back in just to keep it.
2. Numb cold penis
3. As soon as postion changes it falls again
4. Cant jerk otherwise it will get more injured
5. Can only cum 1-3 times per month
1. Nofap
2. Try testosterone injection
3. Scar removal injection
3. Acetyl Carnitine
4. Ageless male
5. Man 1 Oil
6 Causes ed
- Edging. It causes desensitization
- Lost sensitivity from extensive dry masturbation
- Porn addiction
- Gaining weight
- Bad Blood circulation. Could be signal of bad health
- Feeling ugly, lack of confidence
6 ways how to fix it.
- 30 day no fap – Equals 4 weeks of no sex, masturbation, porn watching(porn is soo not your friend, it wastes your time, gives your computer viruses, and hurts your sex life because your channeling all your energy to image on screen) or edging.
2. 2 months no fap = 60 days- Cures pied and all its symptoms
80-90 days no fap allows nerves to grow back 3.5 inch average flaccid penis
3. Eat Watermelon and almonds
4. Exercise so you can get a better body and feel confident about yourself. Increase testosterone
4. Try supplements such as
1. 3000 mgs L-Arginine daily to aid in circulation
2. Damiana 2 everyday
3. B12 – particularly in cell metabolism and the production of blood — two essential factors in getting and keeping a quality erection.
3. Methyl B1 and methyl B12 with folic acid which I’ve read are the best B vitamins for nerve health and regeneration
4. Ginko boloba
5. Creams Nerve Renew, Man 1 oil. Scar removal, dr. Sholl
6. Penis Pump
Level 1- Morning Woodies. If you do not get morning woodies than you are not cured
Level 2 – Erection without touching yourself or stimulation
.Level 3 – Goal – An erection standing up without stimulation, as well as morning woodies.
If none of these work think of life beyond sex
Have sex only once or twice per month
Try seeing doctor
1. Scar removal injection Collagenase. The only FDA-approved medication for Peyronie's disease is collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex). This medicine has been approved for use in adult men with moderate to severe curvatures and a palpable nodule. This therapy has been shown to improve curvature and bother associated with Peyronie's disease. The treatment works by breaking down the buildup of collagen that causes penile curvature.
Collagenase appears to be more effective when used in conjunction with "modeling," which is forcible bending of the penis in the opposite direction of the bend. Verapamil. This is a drug normally used to treat high blood pressure. It appears to disrupt the production of collagen, a protein that might be a key factor in the formation of Peyronie's disease scar tissue. The drug is well-tolerated and seems to reduce pain too. Interferon. This is a type of protein that appears to disrupt the production of fibrous tissue and help break it down. One placebo-controlled trial showed improvement using this therapy over placebo.
Verapamil. This is a drug normally used to treat high blood pressure. It appears to disrupt the production of collagen, a protein that might be a key factor in the formation of Peyronie's disease scar tissue. The drug is well-tolerated and seems to reduce pain too. Interferon. This is a type of protein that appears to disrupt the production of fibrous tissue and help break it down. One placebo-controlled trial showed improvement using this therapy over placebo.
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